Africa Arbitration Academy Protocol

Africa Arbitration Academy Protocol

Africa Arbitration Academy Protocol on Virtual Hearings in Africa 2020

Given the impact of COVID-19 pandemic and being seriously concerned with the African dispute resolution landscape, the Africa Arbitration Academy has just launched its Protocol on Virtual Hearings in Africa. The Protocol, in the main, details recommendations on virtual hearings and takes into account the specific challenges and circumstances that may arise in relation to remote hearings in Africa. The overarching objectives of the Protocol are :

  • To provide guidelines and best practices for arbitrations within Africa, where a physical hearing is impracticable due to health, safety, cost, or other considerations
  • To encourage African institutions and governments to make express references to virtual hearings in arbitration rules and laws
  • To serve as guiding standards, principles, and provisions to be adopted by arbitral institutions or governments in Africa when drafting their arbitration rules and laws.